Monday, May 30, 2011

Life as Sadie knows it....

So I am a little late in posting this, but I wanted to give a profile of Sadie at two years old! Here goes....
  • At Sadie's 2 year check-up, she weighed 25.6 lbs and was 2'9" tall putting her at the 25th percentile for both height and weight. Even though she is still below average in size, she has lately gone through a bit of a growth spurt.
  • Sadie stays busy having an opinion about pretty much everything. Her language has exploded over the last couple of months, although her preferred response to most everything is still screaming. Not screaming as in crying, screaming as in screaming. This child has had her fair share of time-outs in her young life. I keep thinking that maybe one day she will just wake up and be compliant. Hasn't happened yet, but one can hope, right? She is also gotten super cuddly lately, which is lots of fun.
  • One of her favorite things to say is "I don't want to", accompanied by quite a bit of attitude. She says this when she doesn't to do something and also when she doesn't want you to do something. Some of the other things she says are "want some", "oh, no", "more, tees (please)", and "here it is". And of course, there are many other single words that she says.
  • Sadie and Parker are an interesting combo. Sometimes they play great together, and sometimes I can literally watch them pushing each other's buttons. Ah, the joys of sibling-hood.
  • Sadie loves to eat and likes a lot of different things. Some of her favorite things to eat are cheese, chicken, almost any kind of fruit, macaroni and cheese, and margharita pizza. And although I wouldn't say they are her favorite, she also eats veggies much better than her brother. 
  • Sadie can go up and down the stairs quite well now, which is nice....especially considering that at this age, Parker was an accident waiting to happen when he was on or near stairs.
  • Sadie loves to "go" places and almost always wants to "walk" as opposed to being carried or placed in a cart or stroller.
  • Sadie loves to put together puzzles, dance to music, build with blocks, play with her play food and dishes, and get into things. Her favorite things are definitely her "puppy (cuppy)" and "ba-ba (blankie)" which are almost always near to her person.
  • Sadie still soothes herself by putting her hand(s) on her face when she's tired or upset.
  • Sadie sleeps around 10-12 hours at night, and usually takes a 2-3 hour nap each day.
  • Overall, Sadie is a busy, fiesty, cuddly, pretty little girly.
And here are some pictures taken recently of our little big girl:

Just a week before her birthday, I went to get Sadie out of bed and found her in only her diaper. She had taken off everything she was wearing including a sleep sack that zips from the top to bottom (made especially so that little Houdinis can't get them off) and her pj's that zip and snap. As you can see, she threw them out of crib onto the floor. At least she managed to look guilty when I saw her.
This is Sadie enjoying her birthday Happy Meal. Sadie and Parker both love a good sauce, something they definitely got from their dad.
Sadie wearing my sunglasses. If someone else is doing, wearing, saying, eating, playing with, or thinking about something, Sadie wants to be doing, wearing, saying, eating, playing with, or thinking about it, too.
Sadie putting in the last piece of her puzzle!

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