Saturday, December 26, 2009

Christmas Day

We had a wonderful Christmas Day filled with great food and fun memories....

Our family on Christmas Day....Sadie's very first!
Parker and Sadie with Cousin Abbey....
It's present time!
And just for fun, this evening I went in search of Parker because I hadn't seen him in a few minutes only to find him watching "Planes, Trains, and Automobiles" all by himself in the living room.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Christmas Eve Eve

' Twas the night before Christmas Eve....

Just hanging out....
Nonni and Sadie
Dinnertime fun
Daddy and Sadie

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Throwback Thursday

Exactly seven years ago today, Andrew got down on one knee and asked me to marry him. This picture was taken of us that night....

Friday, December 11, 2009

So simply Stephanie giveaway

Just thought I'd let you guys cousin is having a giveaway for one of her handmade diapers and wipes holders over on her blog. Click here to follow her instructions and you just may be the lucky winner!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Throwback Thursday

So I've decided that I'm going to completely steal an idea from my cousin. A couple of weeks ago, she started doing "Favorite Photo Friday" and posting a fun picture from the distant or recent past each Friday. I love the idea, so here's my version....

From before we even got married in July 2003 until Spring of 2006, Andrew was a youth and college pastor. Much of our time was spent at the church or doing fun activities with one of those groups. One Saturday, we planned a spelunking trip with some of our college group. (Spelunking is defined as the hobby or practice of exploring caves.... I just googled it.) Sounds like fun, huh? Too bad we didn't consider the recent rain that had fallen in our area. Here is a picture of our group before our little adventure:
And here is a picture of us AFTER....
That was, without a doubt, the muddiest experience of my life. I can't even describe the mud. I don't think any of us even tried to save our clothes. What a memory....

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Cuties and Christmas cards

Yesterday my cousin/BFF, Stephanie, and her son came over for the afternoon to hang out. It's always a fun time when they are over, and you never know what the kids are going to come up with. At one point, Parker came up to me like this.... They are actually glasses that go on his Mr. Potato Head, but somehow he got them to stay on his head for quite a long time. He continued wearing them while playing with Cousin A.
Sadie usually acts like she is too much of a little lady to be very impressed with the boys. Here is a super cute picture that Stephanie snapped.....
Stephanie was also kind enough to watch the kiddos for Andrew and I for the evening so that we could attend Andrew's work Christmas party. Before we left, she agreed to take some family pictures for us....we wanted to get a good one to use for our Christmas card. The kids were rather uncooperative (Parker was super distracted and Sadie wouldn't smile for ANYTHING), but somehow Stephanie still managed to get some cute shots. Below is one of them. Thanks, again, Steph - you're the best!