Monday, December 26, 2011

Our Christmas Day!

On Day 18, our Christmas Day, we woke to Parker telling us in as much astonishment as possible that Santa ate all of his treats and he had left a present! So up we were, going down to check it out. Sure enough....
And this is what Santa brought!
Flynn Rider for Parker....
....and Rapunzel for Sadie!
Then the Surprise House told us that is was time to....
...."Open presents!".
Here are some pictures from their time opening presents!

After baths, it was time for breakfast.

My 'red' pancakes ended up being a shade of hot pink, but at least I tried.
Me with my Christmas new iPhone 4!
Eating our Christmas dinner of green beans, mashed potatoes, and chicken and noodles. Thanks, Mommy! :)

The kids and I at the end of our fun Christmas Day!

Our Christmas Eve!

Day 17 of the Surprise House was our family's Christmas Eve. We really wanted to focus this year on making some really special memories with just the four of us, so we set aside some time before the holidays to celebrate our own Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. The Surprise House said.... 
...."Go out to eat and drive around and look at lights!". 
Here we are back at the house with the balloons the kids got from the balloon guy at Chili's. Sadie picked out a pink and blue butterfly all by herself....
....and Parker picked out this green and blue space alien!
Once home, the Surprise House had another message for us!
It said "Open Stockings!".
The kids were soooo excited.

In the stockings were insulated Starbucks cups....


....a paddle board for Parker....
....and a necklace and bracelet for Sadie....
....and flashlights!

Time for Daddy to open his!
He got some candy, a gift card, and a CD! *I didn't have anything in my stocking because I was getting something awesome. the. next. day.*
The Surprise House just kept on giving on this day! Right before bed, it told the kiddos to "Set out cookies for Santa!".

I wonder what we did on our Christmas Day?

They just keep on comin'....

On Day 12 of the Surprise House....

....the note said "Drink hot chocolate!". The kids were especially excited about the marshmallows on top!

Day 13. This day came and I had no idea what we were going to do. However, necessity is the mother of invention, and I remembered something that I had seen on (Go check that out if you don't know what I'm talking about.) Anyway, the note said....
...."Take a glow bath!".
Here are the kids having a blast! Basically you just turn off the lights and break out some glow sticks to simulate Christmas lights. So simple, and they just loved it.
Day 14. What now?
"Watch a Merry Madagascar!" Love those Christmas specials!

Day 15. No pictures because this evening I was out doing a couple hours of Christmas shopping, but Daddy watched "Charlie Brown Christmas" with them again. Not so original, but whatever.

Day 16.
"Read 'The Story of Christmas'!"
Reading with Daddy about the true meaning of Christmas!
Whew! This Surprise House stuff is fun but exhausting! Just a few days left....