Thursday, July 3, 2014

A visit from family....

Over Memorial Day Weekend we enjoyed a visit from my cousin, Stephanie, and her family. They moved from Colorado back to Oklahoma last summer, and we have missed them very much since then. We had a great weekend with lots of fun and laughs.

Parker and Cousin A....
Sadie loves Baby Ro!
Playing video games.
We even went to see the Lego Movie.
On Memorial Day we had some fun in Manitou Springs.

We played at the park....

....before meeting Steph and family at the Penny Arcade.

All of us at lunch.
Steph and I!
All the kids before they headed back home.
The day Stephanie's family left, we also enjoyed a brief visit with Andrew's grandparents who were on their way to CO for the summer. They were excited to watch the kids play soccer!
Andrew and Papa with a stool the Papa made for Andrew!
We are always glad to have company and sad to see them go....thankful to live in a beautiful place that some many people love to visit!

School Year Wrap-up ~ 2013-2014

Even though the school year has been over for a month now, it's so hard to believe that Parker is done with 1st grade. "Second Grade" sounds so much older to me, but I suppose I will have to come to terms with it especially since that also means that Sadie will be starting Kindergarten in the fall! Flying by, people....time is flying by. Here is a wrap-up of the end of school year activities!

Muffins with Mom
This is a PTA sponsored event that Parker's school holds every year near Mother's Day. This year it happened to fall on Sadie's birthday, so we all enjoyed breakfast together before school.

Celebration of Learning Open House
We always enjoy going to the classroom to see what Parker's been working on all year. I volunteered in his classroom in the spring so I had some ideas, but Parker is always excited to have us there to show off his work.

His class had won the recycling award and the spirit award that month!

Field Day
Field Day got cut short this year due to some storms getting too close, but there was still time for a lot of fun activities.

Sadie was excited that this was her last year to only watch.
Three-legged race.
Bean bag toss is always Parker's favorite.

Tug of war!

The kids against their parents....
....and the whole class vs. Mrs. Sibley!

Thank you!
Parker and his teacher, Mrs. Sibley, had a special relationship this year. We were blessed to have her as his teacher! He wrote this card to give her on the last day of school.
Last Day of 1st Grade
Summer here we come!