Sunday, August 17, 2014


As I mentioned before, we had quite a busy summer! In addition to some of the things I've already blogged about, we....

Took swimming lessons....

....and played with our new basketball hoop.

We had sleepovers....
....and got free slurpees at 7-11 on July 11th.
We played in the sand box....
....and rode bikes.
We had a boys night (dinner and Pikes Peak motocross event)....

....and girls night (take-out, jewelry making, mani/pedis and movie watching).

We had fun at Pirate's Cove....

....and celebrated our 11th anniversary!
Of course, all of this activity has made us not want to get out of bed in the morning....
....and caused us to have spontaneous naps on the way home from work.
Thanks for the memories, summer. See you again next year!

Exploring Colorado....

A couple of weeks ago, we went over to Buena Vista and spent the weekend with Andrew's grandparents. We took Andrew's Wrangler so that we could take some Jeep trails while we were there!

Andrew took the back and side windows out and the kids were excited to explore!

Parker and Sadie took turns riding on Papa and Gram's 4-wheeler....
 ....and riding in the Wrangler with us.

 We've been on several Jeep trails before but this was my favorite. The first of several amazing views!

The remains of a very old cabin.

Another gorgeous view.

This old cabin....
....overlooked this.

While wandering around that cabin, we noticed this grave. Someone's husband or wife, son or daughter.
As we were standing here, Sadie quietly set down her yellow flower she picked without saying a word.

That evening we saw a beautiful rainbow....

....and an awesome sunset. This is beautiful country!
Another day, another Jeep trail. The kids are ready to go again!

The biggest Aspen tree I have ever seen.

Sadie decided she was a "tree climber".... Daddy helped her get really high.
She was thrilled.
Parker, not so much.
Even Andrew managed to get up there.
Another view!

 After another day of exploring, this was Sadie on the way home....
....and this was Parker!
After a little bit of fishing.... was time to say good-bye!