Monday, January 19, 2015

Surprise House: 2014

After Thanksgiving, the Surprise House returned to treat us to lots of Christmas fun!

December 1: Put up Christmas decorations!
This year I had a grown-up, perfectly decorated Christmas tree for the very first time and as such, the kids didn't get to help decorate it. Instead, I got a "kid" tree for them to decorate however they wanted.  

We also hung all of our stockings....

....even Molly!

December 2: Eat Christmas cotton candy!
I found this peppermint cotton candy at Target and knew it would be a hit with the kids.

December 3: Watch Veggie Tales "Little Drummer Boy"!
I love how the kids usually share a recliner rather than sit separately.

December 4: Eat candy canes!

December 5: Watch "The Polar Express" and have a slumber party!
After the movie we had a "boy" and "girl" sleepover. Sadie and I stayed in Mommy and Daddy's bed, and Parker and Andrew stayed in the guest room just for fun.

A little pre-bed reading.

December 6: Go to the movies and watch "A Dolphin Tale 2"!
Since "A Dolphin Tale" was such a hit when we watched it over Thanksgiving break, we took the kiddos to see the sequel. Even Ziggy, Parker's class mascot who was spending the weekend with us, came along.

December 7: Drive around and look at Christmas lights!
This is always one of my favorites!

We took pictures of our favorites!

And this is our house! It was the first year for Andrew to put lights on our house, and we love him for it.

December 8: Drink hot chocolate with Christmas marshmallows!

December 9: Read Christmas books together!

December 10: Take a toy to the toy drive at school!
Because it's better to give than receive.

December 11: Play with Corey, Blythe, and Charity!
Andrew's work Christmas party was this evening, and the kiddos were excited to play with the Winkelmann family. They even got to make sugar cookies!

December 12: Watch "Christmas Ice Age"!

December 13: Our Christmas Eve!
Since we are usually with family over the holidays, we have a tradition of celebrating a Christmas Eve and Christmas Day with just our family. Before getting started, we also took our Christmas card photo.
Darling kiddos!
Ready to get started!

First, the kids got to open one present.

New PJs! Ninja turtle for Parker, and Elsa for Sadie.

Next up was picking out dinner. I saw this idea on the internet and thought it would be fun. Basically, we loaded up in our car and went to the store where each person got to pick any one item to eat for dinner, and then the whole family got to choose one item together. The kids thought it was awesome that they could pick something and this once we wouldn't say no.
This is what we ended up with....corn dogs, cheetos, onion rings, popsicles, and fudge. Wowzers.
After dinner we drove around and looked at some more lights.

Once back home, the kids got to open stockings before bed.

December 14: Our Christmas Day!
We opened presents. played with our new toys, and had a nice quiet day at home.

December 15: Take a glow bath!

December 16: Make a gingerbread house!
Parker had earned his moustache at school earlier in the day, and it was NOT coming off.

December 17: Drink Christmas milk!
Cinnamon vanilla and chocolate mint, to be exact. Yum-yum.

December 18: Watch "Tom & Jerry Christmas"!
As with every year, by this time I am running out of steam. I got pictures of them opening the surprise and that is all.

December 19: Go to Christmas parties at school!
Well, that's what the note would have said if I had remembered to have them open it before school. I did say I was running out steam, right? Oh, well.

Got a quick peek at Parker at his Polar Express party!

Daddy was off work, so he and I both were able to help with Sadie's gingerbread party

The next morning we left to spend the holidays in Oklahoma, saying good-bye to the mountains....
....and hello to the middle of nowhere.
Thanks for the fun, Surprise House....see you again next year!