Sunday, October 20, 2013

A Monsters Inc. party & fun with Grandma and Poppy!

A few day after Parker's birthday, we celebrated Monsters Inc. style!. As I mentioned before, Mike Wazowski is Parker's classroom mascot at school, so he was super excited.

Time to open presents!
New movie...
....Nerf gun....
....Nintendo DS....
....and rock collection!
Me and my very big boy!
Very proud to be 7! 
Parker was so happy that Grandma and Poppy were at his party!
Our family!
We always have lots of fun when Grandma and Poppy are here visiting!

They played lots of Candyland!
During their visit, Mom and Dad celebrated their 39th wedding anniversary!
We went out to eat at Red Lobster to celebrate!
Bye, Grandma and Poppy! We love you!

Changing colors, fun with Grandpa, and a 7-year-old boy!

Andrew's dad came for a visit a couple of weeks ago. While he was here, Parker turned 7....soooo hard to believe! We also drove up into the mountains to see the changing colors of the trees. It was a gorgeous day, and the pictures don't do it justice.

My two favorite littles!
Last picture as a 6-year-old!
BIG 7-year-old!
Happy birthday, brother!
Annual birthday banner.
He was so excited to take treats to all his friends at school!
As a treat in his birthday, we also went to iT'Z. Here are Grandpa and the kids eating and watching the "big TV".

Time to play games!

We also had some fun at the park....

....and opened some presents.... jammies...
...Wii games...
...shin guards...
...and lots of cards...
....before heading to soccer!
After soccer and baths, we had cupcakes.....
....and ate popcorn while watching Monsters Inc. to end the day.
Happy birthday to our favorite boy!