Wednesday, July 25, 2012

June wrap-up....

Well, again, it's been a while since I've blogged. I think from now on I'm going to just stop pointing that out. Anyways, June went by in a flash. I had a sinus infection which ended up making me sick for pretty much the entire month. And then there was the heat....I don't remember a summer that Colorado has felt so HOT! And then, of course, there were all of the Colorado wildfires including the one in Colorado Springs, Waldo Canyon Fire. That fire took over 300 homes, displaced thousands of residents for a period of time and, when all was said and done, ended up on the books as the most destructive fire in the history of Colorado. We are fortunate to have been a safe distance from the fire, but the black on our mountains serves as a constant reminder of what so many lost. 

Waldo Canyon Fire - June 26, 2012 (taken from several miles away -- sorry if the picture is too small)
The last weekend in June, we decided to head out of town for the weekend. As we were loading the vehicle and getting ready to go, I looked up and saw this.
FIVE bucks....the house in the background is straight across the street from ours. It's not unusual to see deer in town on occasion, but I've never personally seen any in our neighborhood before. I'm assuming that they were pushed into town from the fire several days prior. They walked down the sidewalk and back up again before turning the corner and disappearing around this intersection.
Once all of that excitement was over, we headed out of town to visit with Andrew's grandparents who work at a fish hatchery a couple of hours away.

Parker just relaxing....
We took the kids fishing, and this was Sadie's first trip! I was a little afraid she would let go of the pole and it would disappear underwater, but she did great.

Parker loves to fish, and even wanted to hold his fish this time.

After fishing, we went up to St. Elmo to feed our friends, the chipmunks. This is becoming one of our favorite summer traditions!


From St. Elmo, we drove up to the Alpine Tunnel Trailhead. Basically, you can walk on a path that used to be railroad tracks to an old tunnel. We'd never been before so we thought we'd give it a shot.
Our family along the trail.
We had walked a considerable distance when we came upon a sign that said there were 3 more miles to the tunnel. There wasn't enough daylight to continue our hike that day, but we decided to next time we'll head out sooner so we can make it all the way to the tunnel.
On our way back down the mountain, something BIG happened....Parker lost his first *real* tooth! It had been loose for a while, and during the drive he just turned to me and said "Mom! My tooth!" and it was in his hand. Brave boy!
He was super excited about the Tooth Fairy coming, and even insisted on writing a note to leave for her.
What the Tooth Fairy brought him!
The next morning we headed up to Cottonwood Pass! Thin air, but just beautiful up there.

The kids also enjoyed feeding the fish at the hatchery....

....and we all enjoyed some 4-wheeling before heading home! We had a great time!
P.S. Only two days after losing his first tooth, Parker lost his second one! $2 and counting!

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