Friday, September 4, 2009

Playing water

Yesterday we went swimming at the pool in my cousin's neighborhood. We've gone a couple of times now, and Parker LOVES to "play water". So far Sadie's just been along for the ride since it's been too cool for me to want to put her in....well, actually, the pool is heated to a lovely 85 degrees, so once you get out it feels quite chilly. At any rate, I don't feel like sending her little body into shock so for her swimming is currently a spectator sport. This trip to the pool was far more successful than our last visit when all of the following occurred.....buckets of rain, a bit of hail, and a long walk on a gravel road with wet flip-flops. Let's just assume that's not the most enjoyable set of circumstances. My cousin has a 16-month-old son who has a mutual love/hate relationship with Parker - they are either the very best of friends or screaming/crying and hitting each other. Typical boys. They both love to swim, though, so we had a really great time at the pool. Thanks for having us over, Stephanie!

Here's a picture of Sadie watching us

Both boys in the pool

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