Sunday, January 6, 2013

A memorial and our Christmas

On December 15, we had the difficult task of saying good-bye to my Aunt Debbie who passed away peacefully in November after a long battle with cancer. She was brave and strong and independent, and the memorial service put together by her daughters was the perfect tribute to and celebration of her life. She is and will be missed.
During the service, our dear friends, Corey and Blythe, watched the kids for us so that we could provide as much help to my cousins as possible. Parker and Sadie sure had a blast making and decorating sugar cookies. Thanks again, guys!

Corey and sweet Baby C looking on.

After Aunt Debbie's memorial, the family members went out to eat together. It was a nice, relaxing time.

Our family.
My cousin, Stephanie, and her family.
My cousin, Kristen, and her son.

We are often out of town at Christmas, so last year we started a tradition of celebrating "Christmas Eve" and "Christmas Day" with just our family before we leave. This particular day was to be our Christmas Eve.

December 15
"Go and see the Many Lights of Christmas" - The Many Lights of Christmas is a drive-thru light display put on by a local church. We got in our PJs and headed out with hot chocolate and sugar cookies in hand.

"Set out cookies for Santa" - When we returned from looking at lights, the House had one more surprise for the kids. They were super excited to set out cookies for Santa!

December 16
"Open stockings and presents" - Guess what? Santa ate all of the cookies!

Opening stockings!

Daddy got something....
....and so did Mommy!
Now on to presents!

They each got a big presents this year (thanks, Craigslist)!

Train table for Parker....
....and a Rapunzel tower dollhouse for Sadie!

We spent the day relaxing, enjoying a fire, and eat a yummy homemade holiday-worthy meal for dinner.
The kids and I at the end of a great day!

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