On Day 18, our Christmas Day, we woke to Parker telling us in as much astonishment as possible that Santa ate all of his treats and he had left a present! So up we were, going down to check it out. Sure enough....
And this is what Santa brought!Flynn Rider for Parker....
....and Rapunzel for Sadie!
Then the Surprise House told us that is was time to....
...."Open presents!".
Here are some pictures from their time opening presents!
After baths, it was time for breakfast.
My 'red' pancakes ended up being a shade of hot pink, but at least I tried.
Me with my Christmas surprise....my new iPhone 4!
Eating our Christmas dinner of green beans, mashed potatoes, and chicken and noodles. Thanks, Mommy! :)
The kids and I at the end of our fun Christmas Day!