Yesterday was my 29th birthday. Now, I know what you're thinking....I don't look a day over 24. Ok, so that's not what you're thinking. You're, that means I'm almost T-H-I-R-T-Y. The truth is often a very sad thing. At any rate, I had a really fun birthday! First, some very good friends took us out to lunch at Zio's. Hello, mozarella sticks. We had a really nice time visiting with them. Thanks, Corey and Blythe! After that, Andrew took me shopping. Unfortunately, I didn't find anything that I couldn't live without, but it was still fun to look. Then in the afternoon, my cousin and BFF, Stephanie, her husband, Troy, and son, Cousin A, came over to help celebrate. We had a really fun afternoon playing games, laughing, and eating (oh, yes) oreo ice cream cake from Dairy Queen. We actually probably spent as much time drooling over the cake as eating it - let's just be honest here. Thanks, again, Stephanie and Troy! Now I'm off to enjoy my last year in my 20's before I must start start the long and inevitable trek up the proverbial hill.
Sadie and I with the cake
Goodies for knitters/crocheters
6 years ago